If you believe your employer or prospective employer is not following the Equal Pay For Equal Work Act, our experienced...
If you or your coworkers believe your employer has committed a wage and hour violation, our Colorado FLSA collective action...
Our experienced Denver Colorado minimum wage lawyers know exactly what to look for to determine if your employer is failing...
If you are hit with a wage & hour violation in any industry, the overtime lawyers at the employment law office of Coffman...
Our skilled Denver Colorado overtime rate lawyers have successfully represented thousands of workers in cases just like...
Both federal and Colorado law determine if and when employers must provide their workers with meal or rest breaks, and if...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna...
Our Denver Colorado unpaid overtime lawyers have successfully recovered unpaid wages and overtime for thousands of workers...
Our Colorado background check lawyers are passionate advocates for your rights as an employee. If you or a loved one believe...
If you or a loved one have experienced any form of workplace retaliation, our skilled Colorado employment retaliation...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna...
The experienced Colorado hostile work environment attorneys at Coffman Legal are committed advocates for the rights of all...
If your employer has retaliated against you or taken adverse action because of your HFWA related actions, our Denver...
Our experienced Colorado severance negotiation lawyers will fight to make sure your severance agreement protects both your...
Our Denver sexual harassment attorneys are here to help ensure that you do not experience harassment. Under Title VII of the...
All employees and employers must abide by applicable Federal law as well as the laws of the state that they work in. Federal...
Age discrimination remains a serious problem in Colorado and across the country. Our skilled Colorado age discrimination...
A Denver Colorado ADA disability discrimination attorney from Coffman Legal can assist you in identifying situations where...
If you believe you have been the victim of Employment Discrimination, please reach out to our Denver Colorado employment...
Our experienced Denver Colorado military status discrimination attorneys are committed advocates to those who serve our...
You have certain rights and protections under these laws. Balancing working and nursing for your child can feel impossible,...
We always provide our clients with professional and highly competent representation. Our Denver race discrimination...
If you or a loved one have experienced employment-related religious discrimination in Colorado, please do not hesitate to...
If you believe that you have been impacted or adversely affected by your gender with regard to an employment decision,...
Our Colorado employment lawyers are always here to assist you with issues related to your compensation including wage and hour disputes. Coffman Legal has extensive experience successfully representing thousands of workers in wage and hour disputes against employers big and small. Our Colorado employment attorneys’ dedicated representations have secured millions of dollars’ worth of awards for workers who have been unfairly underpaid and denied compensation that was owed to them. Some of the most common wage and hour issues observed and litigated by our Denver employment lawyers include:
Under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employees in most circumstances are entitled to overtime pay for hours worked above forty hours per workweek. The state of Colorado also provides significant overtime protections for workers under the Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order. Far too often workers in Colorado are denied proper overtime pay after putting in long and hard hours on the job. Our Denver employment lawyers are highly experienced with both the FLSA and Colorado overtime law. If you were not paid overtime or were paid less than you deserve, our Colorado employment attorneys are ready to help.
Employers often seek to avoid paying tipped employees what they are owed under the law. Colorado law requires employers to pay tipped employees at least $9.54 in 2022. If you are a tipped employee in Colorado and you believe that you have been unlawfully underpaid, our Colorado employment attorneys are ready to fight for you to recover the compensation that you are owed.
All workers in Colorado are owed a minimum wage. As of 2022, the minimum wage in Colorado is $12.56 per hour. It is illegal for employers in Colorado to pay workers below minimum wage. Our Denver employment attorneys have extensive experience fighting for workers who are paid below minimum wage. If you have been paid less than the minimum wage mandated for your position, please reach out to our Denver employment lawyers at your earliest convenience for a free consultation.
Employers may misclassify workers in an attempt to avoid having to pay those workers their correct overtime compensation. These can include incorrect classifications as independent contractors and white-collar workers. If you feel that your employer has misclassified you, please reach out to our Denver employment lawyers.
Our website includes detailed descriptions of each of these wage and hour issues, which you may find by clicking above. If you have not been fully compensated for overtime or other wages, our Colorado employment lawyers may be able to recover two- or three-years’ worth of your unpaid wages, an additional penalty from your employer, plus attorney’s fees and costs. Our experienced Denver employment attorneys are ready to fight for you!
Our experienced Denver Colorado employment attorney has litigated many wage and hour disputes for healthcare employees all over the country.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.